TYPES OF AYURVEDIC DOSHAS -- Chennai's Best Ayurvedic Treatment- Sugiyog Ayur & Varma Pain Relief Centre

What are Tridoshas?

Ayurveda is a life science of self analyzing by understanding our unique nature one can begin to interact with environment and can lead a happy way to have a healthy well-being. Ayurveda defines health as the equilibrium of tridoshas, agni (digestive fire), saptha dhatus (tissues) , malas (excretory waste), with clear senses, body , mind and soul.

Ayurveda mainly deals with the tridoshas theory . As per ayurveda body is made up of  Tridoshas  vata, pitta and kapha. This is designed in the way that one can understand the combination of doshas by knowing the characteristics of tridoshas doshas. Indian philosophy gives the theory of pancha maha bhutas. 

(ie  air, space, earth ,water and fire.)

Tridoshas are the three main humors   which drives the entire  body. which brings  health in their normalcy and causes diseases in imbalance. The Tridoshas Our constitution is the inherent balance of these humors  within in our body and mind. Ayurveda leads to optimal health. These are forces or energies that work through the body to maintain homeostasis.


It is the force that holds akasha and vayu mahabhuta.


Agni and jala maha bhuta combines to form Pitta.

Pitta persons are generally moderately built with strong intellect and sharp thinking.their digestive functioning are good and always have warm body temperature.their skin texture is oily and they have disturbed sleep pattern.Imbalance in any of the doshas have an impact on our body ,mind and soul.Vitiation of pitta leads to acidity,skin rashes,acne and irregular bowel movements.These pitta predominant people try to be more controlling and fiery.They have excellent appetite, enthusiastic,strong intellect,very attentive and have a strong decision making ability.


Kapha is formed by prithvi and jala.

Kapha constitution individuals have very good stamina, bulk and with soft eyes. They have a strong physique with smoothy skin, loyal have more patience, steady and very nurturing. when they are not static posess the following qualities like insomnia, obesity, stress and may also suffer from asthma and diabetes.

Functions of vata.

Vata predominant people possess the following characters like they are creative,thin build,poor stamina,they are more talkative,learn quickly and forget quickly.they are very friendly, very enthuistiatic and with positive attitude. Vata ensures that your body movements works without any body movements.
